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As a child I was told by someone that raised me (not my parents) that I would never have any friends. This negative seed was planted into my heart and mind almost daily at a very early age. This was told to me during a time in my life when I was impressionable and easily influenced by someone I respected and loved. As I got older and started to build friendships and relationships with people, that small statement would always be in the back of my mind. So as I would meet people I would always find myself giving my all to people just so they would want to be my friend and love me. As time passed and I became a young adult this mindset would prove to be unhealthy for me emotionally and sometimes physically. I found myself getting into mentally and physically abusive relationships with men and becoming friends with people that had hidden agendas just so I could prove that people would be my friend and love me. Years passed and I felt empty. I couldn't understand why I was feeling hurt and disappointment over and over again. Then one day I was in my apartment by myself crying and asking God why am I so unhappy. I kept telling myself I was doing everything to make people like me but I still felt incomplete. Then one day I thought I figured it out. I realized that I had allowed that negative seed that was planted in me when I was a child to manifest. I allowed that bad seed to grow and take over my mind and almost my life. Once I realized the root cause, I started to dig up the roots of that seed that was planted so deep inside of me. It was hard trust me but I tried. I would think that I had removed all the bad roots but some of the weeds would try to sprout back up. So I would find myself right back to square one. Then I received a revelation and I truly realized I couldn't do it without God. I had to become a new person and let my old ways go away (2 Corinthians 5:17) . So in order for me to change myself I needed to treat myself like a garden. I needed to uproot all the bad seeds that I held onto and start over with a new foundation that would allow me to see Gods best for me.

  1. Plant in a sunny location. = Allow Gods light to shine on and in me.

  2. Plant in good soil. = Find me a church that would help me receive the Word.

  3. Space your crops properly.= Distance myself from toxic people and things.

  4. Buy high-quality seeds. = Read the Word daily

Today I can truly say that I am happy, blessed, and with Jesus I'll always have a friend!!!! Gods Word says: Matthew 13:8-Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted! We must allow Gods Word to always fall on fertile ground so it can produce blessings and not curses, happiness not doubt, love and not pain. HerTestimony This is myTestimony. What's yours? Will you allow God to use you? Go to link


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